Through an individualised patient-centred approach, we take a holistic look at your health and address the root causes of disease to restore health and vitality.
Your hormones play a crucial role in various aspects of health and well-being, including regulating menstrual cycles, enabling you to fall pregnant, maintaining bone and muscle density, supporting mental and cognitive health and wellbeing, regulating your growth and metabolism and protecting from heart disease. Contrary to popular belief, hormones don’t just affect women. It can also affect men in terms of fertility, libido, virility, erection quality, muscle-building ability, sperm count, hair loss and risk for prostate cancer, to name but a few.
Hormone treatment involves taking a detailed symptom history and addressing imbalances by addressing the root causes. It supports the body to optimise hormone balance and functioning, in some instances by using bio-identical hormones that are custom compounded for the patient, based on their symptoms, hormone levels and hormone metabolism.
The adrenal glands play a vital role in the body's response to stress, producing cortisol to mobilize blood sugar and prepare for action during a fight or flight response. However, prolonged exposure to stressors can disrupt cortisol levels, leading to sleep disturbances, appetite changes, muscle breakdown, and harm to the brain, gut, and immune system. This condition is known as HPA-axis dysfunction or commonly referred to as "adrenal fatigue," a term that is not entirely accurate but does describe the real and debilitating symptoms. We can assist in identifying, addressing, and managing these issues to restore your health and vitality.
The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland, regulates overall metabolism, and its function significantly impacts health. While conventional GPs typically only test for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), a comprehensive approach considers various aspects of thyroid health, including free thyroid hormone levels, thyroid-destroying antibodies, iodine levels, and potential thyroid hormone conversion issues. We can also customize thyroid hormone prescriptions and provide custom-compounded or natural desiccated thyroid hormone treatment, as necessary.
Many patients suffer from daily gastrointestinal problems. Surprisingly, it’s far more common than you may think. Not only does it significantly impact their life, but they often suffer in silence since this is generally not an open topic of discussion. When addressing gut health, we consider all the potential contributing factors to pinpoint and resolve the underlying problem, aiming to support and promote a healthy happy gut. Our access to a range of specialised tests enables us to narrow down and identify the root cause, however often a few simple dietary modifications may be all that is needed.
Known as the Father of Bio Balance, the renowned Dr Carl Pfeiffer once said that “for every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.” At Vitality Solutions™, we believe that natural is better. That’s why Dr Kolesky has trained to become a specialist in Bio Balance treatment – an advanced orthomolecular nutrient therapy approach to balancing brain and body chemistry. By conducting specific laboratory tests, we can determine your brain’s unique chemistry, enabling us to tailor targeted nutrient therapy designed to meet your body’s specific needs and support your genetic predisposition. Our goal is to reduce, stabilise or eliminate the need for prescription medications and their associated side-effects.
Medicinal cannabis is a medication that is derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike the drug cannabis, it has been specifically bred for its clinical properties and is highly regulated in terms of its strength and active ingredient content. Products vary from oils and ointments to capsules, dried buds, and more, depending on the symptoms or condition they are designed to treat. Upon assessing your needs, we make an informed medical decision about the appropriate medicinal cannabis product for you, using a combination of CBD and/or THC as required.
PLEASE NOTE: Cannabis is a legal treatment that can be prescribed by a doctor and obtained through a regular pharmacy. It is not currently subsidised by the PBS.
- Article: What Can Medicinal Cannabis Be Used For?
- Article: Medicinal Cannabis, Explained - NPS MedicineWise
- Article: Medicinal Cannabis: Information for Consumers | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
- Article: Guidance for the Use of Medicinal Cannabis in Australia: Overview | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Assisting patients in reaching their weight loss goals is a unique journey for each individual, as it depends on the underlying causes. It is often a complex issue that may involve psychological barriers, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, and more. Our approach places great emphasis on truly understanding our patients, which helps us determine the best course of action for each individual. Additionally, we can prescribe weight loss medications when necessary.